George MIddendorf
- Professor Emeritus, Department of Biology, Howard University
- Chair, Board of Directors, Organization for Tropical Studies
George’s research focuses on the behavioral ecology of lizards in the US southwestern deserts and the urban ecology of sloths in Suriname. Prior to retirement, he taught a variety of courses that included Animal Behavior, Ecology, Intro Biology, and Science & Public Policy. He is currently active in the development and implementation of the Ecological Society of America’s Four-Dimensional Ecology Education (4DEE) Framework (esa.org/4dee/), is a Co-PI for the EcologyPlus Program (ecologyplus.esa.org) and serves as chair of the Board of Directors of the Organization for Tropical Studies (tropicalstudies.org).
- A.B., Psychology, Dartmouth College
- M.A., Psychology, Hunter College, CUNY
- Ph.D., Zoology, University of Tennessee-Knoxville
- Postdoc, Biology, University of Iowa